HIIT it or quit it
High intensity interval training or HIIT has become very popular in recent years. But what exactly is HIIT, how do you do it and is it...

Do you carry the sprinter gene?
As the 2016 summer olympics in Rio de Janeiro came to a close, there was a new question on the minds of WADA (The World Anti-Doping...

Making Sense of Dietary Supplements: Are You Taking the Right Ones?
“Studies show little benefit in supplements.” “Vitamin B6 and B12 supplements appear to cause cancer in men.” “Supplements that may...

23andmore: Getting the most out of your 23andme results
Did you know that it is possible to extract much more information from your 23andme.com data than what is provided in their health...

What is a SNP?
Before we can answer this important question, let’s take a step back and look at DNA. DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the genetic code...

MTHFR, 23andme, and other genetic tests: How to find out if you carry an MTHFR gene mutation and wha
When you receive your genetic results and start researching the connection between your DNA and nutrition, MTHFR is probably a gene that...

Caffeine: Friend or Foe?
Can you drink coffee and never feel the effects of caffeine? Or perhaps you are the opposite and feel jittery after just one cup of java....